World statistical compendium for raw hides and skins, leather and leather footwear 1998-2014

The detailed statistical data on production, utilization and trade of hides and skins, leather and leather footwear are preceded by eleven summary tables highlighting the salient features and changes which have taken place in the hides and skins and leather sub-sector

Download: World Statistical Compendium for raw hides and skins, leather and leather footwear 1993-2012

World Leather Trends and Continental Shifts on Leather and Leather goods Production

The leather sector in the world has shown tremendous growth in recent times. In this paper a
major shift on leather and leather products development from Europe to Asia has been observed.
Areas of notable interest in the leading countries of the world indicates that total production of
leather is estimated 6.3billion Sqft for Europe (e.g. Italy, France, United Kingdom etc) and 12.1
billion Sqft for Asian countries (e.g. China, India, Vietnam, Korea, Japan etc). Other global regions
such as South America (0.83billion), North America (0.30billion) and Oceania (0.14billion) depict
various levels of production of leather footwear. For footwear (including synthetics) estimation
shows that there are 0.68 billion pairs in Europe and 9.98 billion pairs in Asia. Currently Africa is
not performing favourably, due to its weak legal and policy framework, poor infrastructure and
Government goodwill. However, there are minimal reforms in some of the countries in the
continent, seriously embarking on value adding initiatives worth noting. The projections indicated
in this paper depict a very promising future where the continent will play a major role in leather
and leather products development by 2030 and beyond, however critical strategic interventions
need to be addressed and these could include appropriate leather policies, capacity building,
technology transfers based on adaptable research and transformation of the sector to be more
competitive and also rejuvenate awareness in leather utility and associated benefits. This will be
tangible once the initiative is coupled up with loss recovery in the production chain, adoption of
appropriate leather processing techniques for high value products obtained from materials
sourced from free range and extensive animal husbandry systems. The future of leather and
leather goods will depend on how the sector is revitalized to became more competitive and
develop appealing products that will comfortably dislodge the synthetics.

Download: <a class=”dl” href=””><i class=”fa fa-download”></i> World Leather Trends and Continental Shifts on Leather and Leather goods Production</a>

The future for leather

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The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of
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concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Designations such as “industrialized,” “developed”
or “developing” countries are used for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about
the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or
commercial products does not imply endorsement by UNIDO.
Download: <a class=”dl” href=””><i class=”fa fa-download”></i> The future for leather</a>

High Hopes and Limited Successes Experimenting with Industrial Polices in the Leather Industry in Ethiopia

In the presence of standardized production technology and the possibility of potentially unlimited market rendered by international trade, there is clear comparative advantages to be realized in experimenting with industrial polices in the leather industry in Ethiopia. This paper reviews wide arrays of policy interventions in the industry and, more modestly, attempts to link these interventions with the performance observed in the industry. We find that industrial policies in the leather sector have been largely effective driving strong growth. This growth, however, has not been in par with its potentials. Market problems along the supply-chain, liquidity constraint, limited processing and marketing capacity, inefficient regulations and enforcement capacity and coordination problem have culminated into below-potential levels of production and, hence, export earnings. We believe that, impressive results to date notwithstanding, important improvements still need to be made in terms of policy responsiveness and in ensuring growth is broad-based across relevant value chains. While building market institutions to bring down transactions costs will improve the effectiveness of industrial polices in the sector, policy makers should ensure that existing regulations are transparent, enforceable and do not impose undue burden on investments in the industry. Continuous channels of communication and information exchanges between the private sector and the regulatory organ would accelerate the understanding of constraints and their apt solutions.

Download: <a class=”dl” href=””><i class=”fa fa-download”></i> High Hopes and Limited Successes  Experimenting with Industrial Polices in the Leather Industry in Ethiopia</a>

GLCC Conducts SWOT Analysis of Global Leather Industry

Pakistan Tanners Association (PTA) South Zone has reacted over the curtailing of gas supply to the Korangi Industrial Area especially in Tannery Zone.


In a statement, chairman PTA (SZ) Fawad Jawed and chairman Standing Committee on Gas and Electricity Usman Umer appealed to the government’s high-ups and Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) to take immediate notice of the grave situation arising due to curtailment of 30 per cent gas supply to the industries. They said that the 30 per cent less supply of gas coupled with frequent outages has threatened the industry’s wheel rolling in wake of SSGC decision to drastically reduce supply of gas to it.


He expressed apprehensions that the local exporting leather industry will not be able to meet the deadline to supply the ordered goods to its customers abroad and many may face penalty clause for delay apart from losing future business.


He pointed out that the drastic reduction in gas supply does not augur well for local leather industry. It will render the workers to sit idle, pushing-up cost and situation may force the industry to lay-off workers.


He appealed to the government to find out some other way out to resolve the gas shortage issue so that the gas supply must be guaranteed to the export-oriented industry. He also complained of the low-pressure in gas supply to the industry and requested the SSGC to resolve the issue with supply of full pressure gas as gas is indispensable for leather industries.


Download:  GLCC Conducts SWOT Analysis of GlobalLeather Industry

Future Trends in the World Leather and Leather Products Industry and Trade

This survey prepared and presented during the 17th UNIDO Leather Panel is a follow-up to Worldwide Study of the Leather and Leather Products Industry, which was the outcome of an exhaustive survey carried out by UNIDO in the 1970s. It is intended to assist the Organization in the formulation of future assistance programmes and in detecting areas where further study of various kinds may be useful. This report assesses the worldwide prospects of the leather and leather products industry in the coming decade. It examines the major underlying trends of recent years and how they are expected to evolve in the short to medium term. In its attempt to provide a thorough picture of the leather sector, the report covers its various aspects: the availability of raw material, the tanning industry, and the manufacture of footwear and other leather products. The basic intention is to help discern prevailing trends in global trade and to support efforts to design an effective role for organizations in the industrial development arena. The findings and forecasts published here are meant to be indicative rather than definitive and to form a basis for further surveys and studies. The need to compile this report arose out of the 16th session of the UNIDO Leather and Leather Products Industry Panel held in Brazil in May 2007. The panel recommended that UNIDO undertake a comprehensive study on the future development of the world leather and leather products industry, a study that would cover demand, technology, production, and trade. Consequently, the UNIDO study provides an analysis of the contemporary demand for leather products (footwear, leather goods, gloves, leather garments, sports goods, upholstery, etc.) vis-à-vis the availability of resources (raw hides and skins, manufacturing capacities, skilled labour, knowledge, support industries, and services). It also contains information on other important aspects of the leather industry: trade statistics, the geographic distribution of production, technology developments, physical infrastructure, environmental conditions, and social aspects involved in the production of leather.
Download :  Future Trends in the World Leather and Leather Products Industry and Trade